With Aitch
To stay awake during hectic tour schedules and back to back late night studio sessions to make chart-topping records and award-winning albums, Aitch reached for highly caffeinated energy drinks and sugary sodas, before noticing they were dehydrating and addictive. This led to a wellness wakeup call! But plain water wasn’t for him - there was no flavour, no fizz and no fun. He decided that he wanted to create a range of reinvigorating drinks with hydration at their heart, and be able to share them with the world. So he switched it around and developed our range of fun, flavourful, fizzy waters for all. In enjoying the drinks during development, he realised life tastes better when it’s slowed down and you’re able to enjoy the present moment more - and so the life tastes better in SYPS movement was born. After months of hard work, it’s now ready for everyone to enjoy our fresh, fruity flavours, uplifting fizz and pure hydration whilst keeping sugar, calories and fat at zero.